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电话: 86-0310-8092358
姓名: Jennifer
Qinghe County Longmeikang Cashmere Products Co.,Ltd.

  Qinghe County Longmeikang Cashmere Products Co.,Ltd. Located in Hebei Qinghe International Dehaired Cashmere Technical park—the Dehaired Cashmere Capital of China, Our factory occupying 66,000.00 sqm , has 900 employees and a total assets over USD45 million . Since 1986 until now, Our company has become a large-scale Dehaired Cashmere manufacturing company. It operates in every aspect : dehairing , spinning and knitting , and it has its own I/E License , Also it is one of the 30 largest cashmer

主要产品/业务: 羊绒原料,纯羊绒纱,混纺纱,羊毛衫

Qinghe County Longmeikang Cashmere Products Co.,Ltd. / 河北 / Development Zone,Huangjin Zhuang,Qinghe County,Xingtai City,Hebe (0319) / 电话:86-0310-8092358

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